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An artist’s impression of Mars

Several missions this year are seeking out life on the red planet. But would we recognize extraterrestrials if we found them?

Sci-Fi Movies and The Reality of Extraterrestrial Life

Perhaps, topics that involve Extraterrestrial Intelligence are one of the most daunting tasks to write about. Having no formal proofs for their existence, and still knowing that anything, including the existence of Extraterrestrial Life, is possible, it is even more complicated to think about what they are based on, what shapes, sizes, and forms, they have – if they do exist. Extraterrestrials have been a major topic for SciFi; many books have been written and as many movies, if not more, have been produced.

High quality production photos of Robonaut (R2) in Building 14 EMI chamber and R1/EMU photos in Building 32 - Robonaut Lab. Photo Date: June 1, 2010. Location: Building 14 - EMI Chamber/Building 32 - Robonaut Lab. Photographers: Robert Markowitz & Bill Stafford.

Who is better in Space? Us or the Robots? A creative inquiry.

Human Vs Robotic exploration has been – and is still- of a major reason for debate between many scientists. Each presents their own claims and why their ideas are better. It has also been( as usual) a major topic in SciFi movies and has attracted a lot of fans. Before we delve into the pros …

Who is better in Space? Us or the Robots? A creative inquiry. Read More »

My Friend, Albert Einstein

He was one of the greatest scientists the world has ever known, yet if I had to convey the essence of Albert Einstein in a single word, I would choose simplicity. Perhaps an anecdote will help. Once, caught in a downpour, he took off his hat and held it under his coat. Asked why, he explained, with admirable logic, that the rain would damage the hat, but his hair would be none the worse for its wetting. This knack for going instinctively to the heart of a matter was the secret of his major scientific discoveries- this and his extraordinary feeling for beauty.

INVISIBILITY SOON ? Meta-materials ? Quantum stealth?

Invisibility has been one of the finest ingredients for wide range of novels and films, from Star trek to Harry potter, from the Invisible man to Lord of the rings and so on. How can one ‘cloak’ or ‘obscure’ an object or even people from an observer’s field of sight? Trying to make invisibility a real phenomenon rather than a myth would have been just hilarious if tried in the early eras of classical physics (Newtonian physics) dominance.

The detection of gravitational waves scooped the 2017 Nobel physics prize. But in a Perimeter Institute lecture Erik Verlinde proposes a rather different theory of gravity

Extraterrestrial Doesn't Exist. Does it? Latest Opinion by scientist makes us question again.

We hardly think of Extraterrestrial life in terms other than life forms based on Earth, that is, we have a hard and non-flexible definition of life that is based on carbon-based organisms that we seldom look out for other forms of “life”. Extraterrestrial life could be of the form that we have never seen on Earth, made of elements that are not even available on Earth. Or in some cases, as the Labeled release experiment from 1970 showed, we could have Earth-like microbial life. It is always, I believe, wrong to generalize life only based on the only experiences we have had so far.